Why is my Elite recorder beeping and how do I disable it?

Why is my Elite recorder beeping and how do I disable it?

From the Main Menu, go to EVENT under INFO.

Any active alarms/events will be highlighted in yellow. In the image below, the system is reporting video loss on channels 1 through 4.
You may have multiple events in yellow, but not all of them may be set to set off the buzzer.

Now that you know what alarms are going off, return to the Main Menu and go to EVENT under SETTING.

Motion Detect, Video Loss and Tampering alarms will be under the DETECT menu on the left-hand side.
If your alarm was one of these types, make sure to also select the appropriate channel(s) and uncheck the buzzer checkbox. Be sure to apply the settings for each applicable channel.

If your alarm/event type is "No HDD", "Net Disconnect", or any of the other event types from the top portion of the  INFO > EVENT menu you want to go to ABNORMALITY on the left-hand side.
Any of the HDD alarms will be on the HDD tab, and then you will use the drop down menu to select the type of HDD alarm you're getting.

If the alarm/event you're getting is Net Disconnect, IP Conflict or MAC Conflict, those will be located on the Network tab which will also have a drop down menu to select the exact network alarm that is going off. 
Uncheck the buzzer checkbox and apply/save you settings. This should make the unit stop beeping.

A net disconnect alarm may not be important if you're using the as a stand-alone closed system. No HDD or HDD Error events likely mean that the HDD has failed and the unit may not be recording if it only has one drive. Contact a technical support representative to check that your recorder is working properly if you do not know why that event/alarm type is activated.